Trump's Accomplishments

Trump’s Strong Record of Promises Kept

President Trump’s irrepressible commitment to America First (First, but Not Alone) and his unshakeable faith in the freedom loving American people continue to guide his policies and actions that benefit our country.

His belief that encouragement of the private sector produces much greater results that the establishment of government programs has led to several outstanding public/private partnerships. NASA and SpaceX have just sent astronauts to the International Space Station and brought them home successfully. We are seeing the dawn of a new era of commercial space travel and exploration to Mars and beyond.

President Trump provided the inspiration and the leadership for “Operation Warp Speed” that marshaled the resources of the US Government and dozens of companies in the pharmaceutical industry to develop therapeutic drugs and vaccines to fight the COVID-19 virus faster that any such development in history.

In 8,764 low-income communities across the country the Trump Administration established “Opportunity Zones” which are expected to spur $100 billion in long-term private capital investment to help create jobs and economic growth.

President Trump made many promises before he was elected, and he has kept more than any other president in recent history. The rest of his promises he is still working on. He is not a quitter. A few of the promises he has kept include:

  • Cut taxes and eliminate government regulations
  • Rebuild the strength of the US Military
  • Reform the Veterans Administration and improve VA health care
  • Appoint conservative judges to the Federal Judiciary
  • Confront Chinese aggression while simultaneously negotiating a new trade agreement with China
  • Support Israel, move embassy to Jerusalem, support Golan Heights claim
  • Strengthen NATO by getting members to increase their defense funding
  • Achieve American energy independence
  • Revise “rules of engagement” to defeat ISIS and fight international terrorism
  • Build the wall along our southern border and reduce illegal immigration
  • Negotiate a new US-Mexico-Canada (USMCA) trade agreement to replace NAFTA
  • Support Pro-Life programs and legislation
  • Support Freedom of Religion (not freedom from religion)
  • Repeal the individual mandate in Obamacare which required Americans to either buy health insurance they did not want or to pay a fee, like a penalty
  • Support the Second Amendment
  • Withdraw the US from the Job-killing Paris Climate Accord in 2017. That same year the US still led the world by having the largest reduction in carbon emissions
  • Withdraw from the Iran Nuclear Deal and maintain severe sanctions on Iran
  • Sign into law the First Step Act, a key component of criminal justice reform
  • Sign four executive orders designed to reduce the cost of prescription drugs
  • Support school choice for all Americans
  • Stop enforcing the Obama-Biden Administration Department of Housing and Urban Development rule called “Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing”. This would have destroyed America’s suburbs. (More on this in a separate post)

The list of all of President Trump’s accomplishments and promises kept is much, much longer. Suffice it to say, he and his Administration have established a long and distinguished record in his first three and a half years. Imagine how much good he could do for our country if he has the support of both the House and the Senate for the next four years.

Day before yesterday, on August 1st, an opinion article by Hugh Hewitt was published in the Washington Post. The title of his article was ” The case for Trump will come down to his record. It’s a strong one.” Click HERE if you would like to read the article.

“Hugh Hewitt, a Post contributing columnist, hosts a nationally syndicated radio show on the Salem Network. The author of 14 books about politics, history and faith, he is also a political analyst for NBC, a professor of law at Chapman University Law School and president of the Nixon Foundation.” (quoted from the Washington Post)

Hewitt concluded his article with the following statement: “There’s an aesthetic critique of Trump that has convinced elites that he must be beaten, that he is cruel and beneath the office. But Americans want their jobs and security back. They like the police. And, yes, most of the time they mostly admire Trump’s style and, almost always, his results.”

Results count. Trump’s beliefs, priorities and policies have been good for America so far. Let’s keep him for another four years!

Keep America Great!

By joe

Joe McChristian, Jr., a proud American patriot, West Point graduate, Vietnam veteran with three Bronze Star Medals, Air Medal, Airborne and Ranger qualified. Olmsted Scholar. Former banker, international corporate finance advisor, entrepreneur and corporate turn around specialist. Conservative Republican. Appreciate the accomplishments and agree with the policies and priorities of President Trump and his Administration.

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