
Stand For America – Practical Policy Solutions

Stand For America, founded by Ambassador Nikki Haley, has put forth three big ideas in their 2020 policy proposals on health care, immigration, and energy and the environment. Be sure to click on the links in each proposal summary below to read the detailed policy paper and to view the video. I received this information in an email from Stand For America on Saturday morning, October 3rd 2020.

On the biggest issues facing our country, liberals offer more of the same: Spending trillions of dollars and giving government more control. Conservative solutions do the opposite. That’s why Stand For America has rolled out a series of policy papers and videos this week on immigration, health care, and energy and the environment. Instead of pie-in-the-sky fantasies, they offer practical solutions that protect our fundamental freedoms and help our economy grow even more.

Health care: There’s no question our health care system is broken, and Obamacare has only exacerbated the problems. Rising costs, inaccessibility, lack of transparency—these are just some of the challenges in need of fixing. Medicare for All, which would cost roughly $34 trillion, is unaffordable and is essentially socialized medicine under a different name. Instead, we should give people greater choice and control over their own health care decisions, encourage greater transparency, and reduce high-cost regulations and mandates.

→ Read the health care policy paper here and watch the video here.

Immigration: Our immigration system is broken, and instead of trying to fix it, liberals want to eliminate the rule of law. We need solutions that recognize America’s long tradition of welcoming legal immigrants, while prioritizing American jobs and security. Those solutions include implementing e-verify, ending sanctuary cities, securing the border, fixing the asylum system, and prioritizing skilled workers.

→ Read the immigration policy paper here and watch the video here.

Energy and the environment: Liberal solutions are unaffordable, unrealistic, and would destroy our economy. The Green New Deal, a $10 to $16 trillion liberal pipe dream, would give government control over vast sectors of our economy—from the cars we drive to the homes we live in to the energy we consume. Instead of relying on government, the private sector has already proven that there are affordable, efficient, and environmentally-friendly options. From fracking to carbon capture, we should be working with the private sector—not against it.

→ Read the environment policy paper here and watch the video here.

By joe

Joe McChristian, Jr., a proud American patriot, West Point graduate, Vietnam veteran with three Bronze Star Medals, Air Medal, Airborne and Ranger qualified. Olmsted Scholar. Former banker, international corporate finance advisor, entrepreneur and corporate turn around specialist. Conservative Republican. Appreciate the accomplishments and agree with the policies and priorities of President Trump and his Administration.

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