
RNC Press Release 9-26-2020

RNC Launches $10M Campaign to Confirm Judge Barrett & Hold Democrats Accountable

WASHINGTON — The Republican National Committee (RNC) announced a multi-faceted operation to promote President Trump’s exceptionally qualified nominee, Judge Amy Coney Barrett, and hold Democrats accountable for their hypocrisy on the Supreme Court nomination process. The initiative includes a $10 million digital ad campaign, a new website, a get-out-the-vote effort in target states, and a massive rapid response operation to amplify Judge Barrett’s qualifications and highlight Democrats’ hypocrisy. With just over a month until Election Day, the RNC is harnessing voters’ enthusiasm about appointing a constitutionalist to the Court in order to motivate and persuade voters to the polls.

“Even before President Trump announced a nominee, Democrats made clear that they would obstruct this Constitutional process every step of the way, throwing historical precedent out the window,” said RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel. “With a full-throttled effort from now until President Trump’s nominee is confirmed, our teams will expose Democrats’ partisanship, aggressively promote the qualifications of Judge Barrett, and use this issue to galvanize voters to the polls in November.”

Digital Efforts

• The RNC is launching a $10 million digital ad campaign using the historic Supreme Court nomination to encourage voters in target states to return their ballots or get to the polls.
• These digital ads will underscore our continuous efforts to chase outstanding absentee ballots, inform voters about Early Voting locations, and make sure voters head to the polls on Election Day, while also highlighting Democrat hypocrisy as they attempt to smear and distort the President’s nominee.
• The RNC also launched a new website,, which directs visitors to call, email or tweet their Senator to urge him or her to vote to confirm Judge Barrett.

On-the-ground events

• In addition to the website and digital ads, the RNC is taking the fight directly to voters to ensure we win the fight outside the beltway.
• Trump Victory, the joint field effort between the RNC and the Trump Campaign, is holding events and protests and has already planned dozens of events to engage with volunteers in crucial states throughout the confirmation process.
• Supreme Court-focused messaging will be incorporated into Trump Victory’s volunteer scripts for phone calls and door-knocking, and Supreme Court-focused MAGA Meet-ups (community events designed to recruit volunteers and energize voters) will be a main focus in the field.

Daily War Room, Rapid Response

• The RNC has a massive operation that already has experience fighting on behalf of major confirmation battles the past few years. These teams will serve to provide immediate pushback on Democrat obstruction tactics and hypocrisy, research pieces highlighting Judge Barrett’s qualifications and Democrat hypocrisy, a robust media booking operation, and videos highlighting Democrats’ flip-flopping on the Supreme Court nomination process.

Paid for by the Republican National Committee
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

By joe

Joe McChristian, Jr., a proud American patriot, West Point graduate, Vietnam veteran with three Bronze Star Medals, Air Medal, Airborne and Ranger qualified. Olmsted Scholar. Former banker, international corporate finance advisor, entrepreneur and corporate turn around specialist. Conservative Republican. Appreciate the accomplishments and agree with the policies and priorities of President Trump and his Administration.

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