
Hello Again to My Faithful Subscribers

I’m back. A lot has happened since I published my last post:
Trump’s Strong Record of Promises Kept

  • The United Arab Emirates and Israel have established full diplomatic relations. This major step toward mid east peace was encouraged and facilitated by President Trump’s mid east policy.
  • President Trump took executive action to help the American people financially when Congress failed to reach an agreement on another Coronavirus stimulus bill.
  • Violent rioting, looting and anarchy has spread to many cities, most if not all under Democrat administrations, along with movements to de fund and criticize our nation’s police departments. This has sparked a significant exodus of people from these cities moving to safer suburbs or states.
  • Progress is being made on the development of therapeutics and vaccines for the Coronavirus and we will probably have a vaccine available well before the end of this year. Politicized controversy continues to swirl around government policies and actions at all levels, local, state and federal.
  • Joe Biden picked Kamala Harris as his running mate. Now the alternative is clear between a left wing socialist Democrat Party ticket and the successful record of a Republican Administration under the leadership of Donald Trump and Mike Pence.
  • Wholesale voting by mail, as contrasted to controlled absentee voting, is being advocated by Democrats in many states. The US Postal Service is not prepared to handle the volume of ballots in the mail and serious concerns about potential fraud have been raised by President Trump and many conservatives. The integrity of our general election on November 3rd is at risk.

In the coming days and weeks I will be writing about these and other issues. Your comments and feedback would be welcome. Let me know which issues are the most important to you as we approach the election. I still believe our country will be much better off if we re-elect President Trump for four more years. If you agree with me, please say so and elaborate on why you support President Trump. If you disagree, please express your reasons, or your emotions, so we can have a useful and intelligent debate.

Thanks again to all my faithful subscribers. Please share the blog posts on your social media as I have done, and send your friends the link to the blog at

Together, we will Keep America Great!