
“From Your Lips to God’s Ears”

“From Your Lips to God’s Ears” That was the reaction I received from a commercial real estate broker when I said we need four more years of President Trump’s leadership. This broker’s main concerns were  rebuilding our strong economy, defeating the Coronavirus, preserving our heritage and traditional values, and restoring law and order. On all of these we agreed that America has no other leader at this time better capable of accomplishing these goals than President Trump. His political opponents spend fortunes criticizing him and trying to convince voters they have better solutions. None of them have successful track records that can even come close to what President Trump has achieved for our country.

The economy is one of the best examples. Trump recognized that American potential is unlimited and that the best way to unleash it was for government to get out of the way. Under his leadership, Congress passed and he signed into law the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, the largest tax reform package in our history. Americans were free to spend and invest more of their money than before. Coupled with this, the Trump Administration has dramatically reduced the administrative burden of government regulations on businesses, eliminating nearly eight old regulations for every new one implemented. The results were robust economic growth, increased jobs, and the lowest unemployment across all demographic groups in half a century. And let’s not forget the tremendous benefit of President Trump’s international trade accomplishments! He has focused on “Jobs, Jobs, Jobs” for American workers, and on trade agreements that are fair and reciprocal for our farmers, our consumers, and our workers. When President Trump’s opponents were in office, we were losing over $500,000,000,000 ($500 Billion) a year to our adversaries. Under Trump’s guidance, that is quickly coming to an end. During his first three years in office, President Trump’s Administration unleashed the energy and ingenuity of the American people which resulted in the strongest economy our country has ever had. President Trump accomplished this once and he knows how to do it again. We don’t need leaders who promise to raise taxes, impose more regulations, or to “transform” our country without specifying what changes they plan to make. We need President Trump and more Republicans in Congress to keep us on our path to Keeping America Great! They have done it before. They know how to do it. And, they will do it again!

The list of accomplishments is too long to put in one post. Go ahead and subscribe to this blog if you would like to be kept up to date on all future posts. Share the word, and remember to get out and vote for President Trump’s re-election!


By joe

Joe McChristian, Jr., a proud American patriot, West Point graduate, Vietnam veteran with three Bronze Star Medals, Air Medal, Airborne and Ranger qualified. Olmsted Scholar. Former banker, international corporate finance advisor, entrepreneur and corporate turn around specialist. Conservative Republican. Appreciate the accomplishments and agree with the policies and priorities of President Trump and his Administration.

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