
Everything is Political, Even a Can of Beans

Recently, the CEO of Goya Foods, Inc., Mr. Robert Unanue, was invited to the White House to participate in a celebration of Hispanic businesses in America. Goya Foods, established in 1936, is today the largest privately owned Hispanic business in America with some 4,000 employees in several countries. When he was asked to speak during the ceremony in the Rose Garden, Mr. Unanue expressed praise and gratitude to President Trump for all he has done to help the Hispanic community.

That started calls for a boycott of Goya Foods. Then there arose a call for a “buy-cott” of Goya products. I hope the result was a sustainable growth in sales for the company. I like Goya Black Beans and have several cans in my pantry, but I never thought of them before as “political”.

It seems that every issue we face today either is, or can be made to be political. From a belief in Christianity to the benefits of charter schools, emotions are intense on both sides. I can’t remember a time in our country’s history when emotions have been so intense on so many issues across the entire country simultaneously. It is as though we are in the midst of an existential cultural civil war for the heart and soul and future of our Nation. I cannot just sit by and watch. I will speak out on various issues and on what I see as the most promising path for our future. There can be great risk in speaking out honestly. Damage may be done to old friendships and even some family bonds. I hope not, but the cause is worth the risk.

There is a temptation to focus first on issues of the moment, like mandates to wear masks or when and how to reopen various types of businesses. These are important, but they are transitory. The time will come when these issues are behind us. Let’s focus instead on some issues that have been and are still being addressed by the Trump Administration that will have long lasting consequences for our culture and our country. I like to focus on accomplishments because they are evidence of what was done and what can be done again.

One of the best examples is the growth of the economy and the creation of jobs. Trump put his faith in America to excel when taxes are low, government regulations are minimized, and international trade agreements are fair and reciprocal. It paid off. Before we were hit by the Coronavirus pandemic, the US economy was the strongest it has ever been. “U.S. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth has soared under President Trump, topping 3% in 4 quarters under his administration. President Trump is unleashing economic growth and jobs. Since his election, the Trump administration’s pro-growth policies have generated 6 million new jobs, the unemployment rate has fallen to its lowest point in 50 years, and wages have grown at more than 3% for 10 months in a row.” (quoted from Keeping America Great website at The underlying values and principles of liberty, individual freedom and free market capitalism were and are the basis for the economic policies of the Trump Administration. Adherence to these basic values and principles will unleash the American economy again once the restrictions brought on by the virus pandemic are lifted.

Another good example of an accomplishment of the Trump Administration that will have a lasting impact for years, if not generations to come is the success in nominating, and getting confirmed by the Senate, 200 judges to the Federal District and Appellate Courts and to the US Supreme Court. These are all judges who will uphold the US Constitution as written and the rule of law. In his second term, President Trump will continue to reshape the Federal judiciary in the same manner. This will be one of the most significant aspects of his legacy.

I’ll address other examples of lasting accomplishments in future posts, but for the time being I would encourage you to click on some of the links on the right side of this page under the heading “Reliable Sources”. There are a lot more details about accomplishments of the Trump Administration than I can cover in a few short posts.

As I heard someone say recently, “Don’t compare Trump to the Almighty, compare him to the Alternative.” Based on that comparison and on the Trump Administration’s record of accomplishments I strongly encourage everyone to vote for President Trump’s re-election.


By joe

Joe McChristian, Jr., a proud American patriot, West Point graduate, Vietnam veteran with three Bronze Star Medals, Air Medal, Airborne and Ranger qualified. Olmsted Scholar. Former banker, international corporate finance advisor, entrepreneur and corporate turn around specialist. Conservative Republican. Appreciate the accomplishments and agree with the policies and priorities of President Trump and his Administration.

One reply on “Everything is Political, Even a Can of Beans”

You are absolutely on the mark here…..
Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
ps I just discovered that Goya makes excellent olives and capers!

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