
America, Land of Opportunity: RNC Day Two Preview

– August 25, 2020 –

America, Land of Opportunity:
RNC Day Two Preview

Tonight’s speakers, Americans from all walks of life, will share how they are better off than they were before thanks to President Trump’s policies.

The second night of the Republican National Convention honors the opportunities all Americans now have thanks to President Trump’s policies and his leadership empowering all Americans to achieve their full potential. Accordingly, Tuesday night’s theme is “Land of Opportunity.” President Trump has made expanding opportunity a cornerstone of his agenda, and tonight’s convention will showcase the many ways Americans have been able to prosper because of it.

Tonight’s speakers, Americans from all walks of life, will share how they are better off than they were before thanks to President Trump’s policies. Americans will also hear from America’s First Lady at the conclusion of the evening.

Ryan Holets, a police officer from New Mexico, will share his heartwarming story of adopting the child of a drug addict who became his friend and highlight how President Trump has tackled the opioid crisis.

  • “I hold a special place in my heart for those facing opioid addiction. That’s why I’m enormously grateful to the President for his leadership in fighting this deadly enemy. Through his efforts, we are turning the tide on the crisis of addiction.”
  • “These are significant improvements that have a meaningful impact. We are fortunate, America, to have a President who cares deeply for the downtrodden, who works tirelessly to find solutions. A President who doesn’t just talk about problems – but stops and helps.”

Jason Joyce, an eighth generation lobster fisherman from Maine who did not support the President in 2016, will share how President Trump kept his promises to Maine’s fishermen and businesses and why he is supporting him in 2020. 

  • “I have to confess: I didn’t support Trump in 2016. Skeptical that he shared my conservative views, I expected him to flip flop on his campaign promises. But he has followed through on his promises…”
  • “As long as Trump is president, fishing families like mine will have a voice…I strongly support President Trump’s re-election. When he sees something isn’t right, he’s fearless in fixing it. He listens to working people.”

Myron Lizer, the Vice President of the Navajo Nation, will share how President Trump has “made it a priority to repair the relationship” between the Navajo and the federal government and has empowered the Navajo people to finally join the American Dream.

  • “For years we’ve fought congressional battles with past congressmen and senators that were part of a broken system that ignored us. That is, until President Trump took office…Whenever we meet with President Trump, he has always made it a priority to repair the relationship with our federal family.”
  • “President Trump also strengthened the Supreme Court by nominating strong conservative judges like Neil Gorsuch, who supports Native American rights.”

Cris Peterson, a dairy farmer from Wisconsin, will highlight President Trump’s commitment to farmers and share how the President’s “focus on negotiating new trade deals” ended unfair trade practices and helped dairy farming come “roaring back.”

  • “More than any president, [President Trump] has acknowledged the importance of farmers and agriculture. That support and focus on negotiating new trade deals gave us the confidence to rebuild our barn and dairy operation.”
  • “Our entire economy, and dairy farming, are once again roaring back. One person deserves the credit and our vote, President Donald J. Trump.”

Nicholas Sandmann is a teenager who became the victim of an unfair left-wing media defamation campaign. Tonight, he will share his encounter with cancel culture and highlight President Trump’s refusal to back down in the face of the liberal media.

  • “My life changed forever in that one moment. The full war machine of the mainstream media revved up into attack mode. They did so without ever researching the full video of the incident; without ever investigating Mr. Philips’ motives; or without ever asking me for my side of the story. And do you know why? Because the truth wasn’t important.”
  • “In November, I believe this country must unite around a President who calls the media out and refuses to allow them to create a narrative instead of reporting the facts. I believe we must join with a President who will challenge the media to return to objective journalism.”

Abby Johnson is a former clinic director for Planned Parenthood who walked away from her job after witnessing the abortion of a 13-week old fetus. Tonight, she will share the horrifying truth about the abortion industry, highlight President Trump’s unwavering support for life, and urge Americans to support the pro-life cause.

  • “For most people who consider themselves pro-life, abortion is abstract. They can’t conceive of the barbarity…for me, abortion’s real.”
  • “Life is a core tenet of who we are as Americans. This election is a choice between two radical, anti-life activists, and the most pro-life President we’ve ever had. That’s something that should compel you to action.”

Bob Vlaisavljevich, a life-long Democrat and the Mayor of Eveleth, a small town in the Minnesota Iron Range, will share how President Trump’s America First policies have benefited blue-collar workers and helped the Iron Range come “roaring back to life.”

  • “Four years later, I am happy to say that after decades of despair, the Iron Range is roaring back to life and we have one man to thank: President Donald Trump. He has made good on all of his campaign promises, and then some. He has fought to give us a fair chance to compete.” 
  • “This formula is working for the Iron Range, and it is working for Americans all across the country who are building things, mining things, and growing things. President Trump is fighting for all of us. He delivered the best economy in our history and he will do it again.”

John Peterson, who owns a second-generation metal fabrication business, will share how President Trump’s leadership has leveled the playing field for manufacturers and put American workers first.

  • “And then everything changed. Because Donald Trump was elected president. He knew what it was like to build a company and to create jobs for American workers. And he got right to work.”
  • “By getting rid of the job-killing NAFTA and negotiating the US-Mexico-Canada trade agreement, President Trump ensured a more competitive playing field for American companies like ours. Because he knows when the game isn’t rigged against us, nobody can beat the American Worker and the American Entrepreneur.”

Mary Ann Mendoza, whose police officer son was killed by a drunk driver illegal immigrant with a criminal record, will share her heart-breaking story and how President Trump is fighting every day to secure the border and honor her son’s legacy.

  • “President Donald Trump is the FIRST political leader we’ve ever seen take on the radical Left to finally secure our border and to end illegal immigration since day one. I’ve met him many times and I know what’s in his heart…I know what he hopes and dreams for this country.”
  • “President Trump knows what it takes to make America great again. He knows the formula for America’s greatness is simple. It’s everything Brandon represented: Ensure law and order and protect the vulnerable, give generously to your community, love your family, deeply, and practice your faith.”

Americans will also hear from:

  • Former FBI agent Richard Beasley and Jon Ponder, who was arrested by Beasley for robbing a bank and has since founded an organization that helps former prisoners reintegrate into society.
  • Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who will deliver his address from Jerusalem and highlight how President Trump has “led bold initiatives in nearly every corner of the world” to secure peace and “keep us safe and our freedoms intact.”
  • Eric Trump, who will highlight the accomplishments of President Trump’s first four years and how he will continue to fight for America’s forgotten workers in a second term.
  • Tiffany Trump, who will highlight how Make America Great Again is not just a slogan for President Trump and how he has challenged the establishment in his first term.
  • Former Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi,who will expose how the Biden family profited off of Joe Biden’s name for decades while America’s workers got left behind.
  • Senator Rand Paul, who will highlight President Trump’s commitment to “end war rather than start one” and refusal to “leave our blood and treasure in Middle East quagmires” and “endless wars.”
  • Florida Lt. Governor Jeanette Nuñez, the first Latina Lt. Governor in Florida history, who will share her story as the daughter of Cuban immigrants and why she is supporting President Trump’s agenda to put America First.
  • Cissie Graham Lynch, the granddaughter of Billy Graham, who will praise President Trump as a “fierce advocate” in the White House for people of faith and share how he is “giving hope to people of faith around the world.”
  • Attorney General Daniel Cameron, the first Black Attorney General from the state of Kentucky, who will call out the “anarchists mindlessly tear[ing] up American cities while attacking police officers” and share how President Trump is upholding of the values of the Party of Lincoln.
  • Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds, who will share how President Trump took decisive action to help Iowa’s communities recover from the recent storms and showed up in “full force” to assist in relief efforts.

White House Economic Advisor Larry Kudlow, who will highlight President Trump’s relief efforts to “preserve our jobs and our livelihoods” during the coronavirus pandemic and why there is “nobody better to lead us back to the top than President Trump.