Trump's Accomplishments

Trump’s Good Personality Traits vs. the Alternative

The morning after election day 2016 I was elated. I felt as if I was living through the rebirth of the Nation I love. We had avoided a catastrophe and we had elected a fighter who appeared to champion the values and patriotism I hold dear. The accomplishments of his Administration, under his leadership, have validated my initial optimism. Now I have confidence they can continue and do it again, if only we give them the opportunity.

This time, once again, we are faced with an existential threat from the left wing of the Democrat Party backing a corrupt figurehead. Every single vote will count this year! I’m encouraged by the ground game the RNC has organized throughout the country and the success they have been having registering more citizens to vote Republican.

Instead of focusing just on the many accomplishments of the past three and a half years, I think there is a story to tell about the good aspects of Trump’s public personality. Let’s get people to focus on these strengths instead of always listening to his detractors. He is definitely patriotic. He exhibits extraordinary stamina and energy. He is a fighter who fights to win. He does not allow himself to be constrained by political correctness. I believe that he honestly believes that what he does is in the best interests of our country. He keeps his word. Of all the promises he has made to the American people, he has either kept those promises or he is still working on them. He is not a quitter and he does not vacillate according to the latest political winds. He exhibits an understanding of, even an affinity to the common man. I believe he shares my values and hopes for America. He appears genuine and trustworthy, in spite of his personality flaws. I would much rather have a President with these good personality traits than someone else neither admirable nor trustworthy.

To paraphrase a comment I heard recently on a TV news program, “Don’t compare Trump to the Almighty. Compare Trump to the Alternative.”

Let’s do all we can to convince others to vote for President Trump’s re-election. Together we can Keep America Great!