Trump's Accomplishments

Lest We Forget – Major Accomplishments

Our public memory is short. Once a problem has been fixed or progress is being made, our attention shifts to whatever may be the crisis of the moment. The Coronavirus pandemic is a good example of the latter, justifiably consuming our attention. It has significant implications for public health, for schooling of our children, for the recovery of our economy and for many aspects of social interactions. We will conquer this disease and solve the problems it has created. Someday, it will be behind us and we will shift our attention to other issues.

In the meantime, lest we forget, there have been many major accomplishments of the Trump Administration over the past three and a half years which will have lasting, long-term benefits for America. Being human, we may need to be reminded from time to time. Here are four of these major accomplishments to remember:

  • 200 judges who will uphold the Constitution and rule of law for generations to come have been appointed to the Federal judiciary
  • Significant improvements in care for our veterans, including:
    • the V.A. MISSION Act revolutionizing the VA system, increasing choice, and providing quality care for out nation’s veterans
    • the Veterans Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act to allow senior officials in the Department of Veterans Affairs (V.A.) to fire failing employees and establish safeguards to protect whistleblowers
    • eliminated 100% of student loan debt for permanently disabled veterans
    • implementation of many other programs to assist veterans, including a White House VA Hotline, expanded telehealth services, record funding for mental health services with the goal of ending the tragedy of veteran suicide, and the highest funding for the VA in history. Trump is keeping his promises to our veterans.
  • Dramatic reduction in illegal immigration across our Southern border:
    • Border wall is being built rapidly. 250 miles completed. Expect 450 miles will be finished by the end of 2020.
    • Mexico and the Northern Triangle countries are cooperating to help stop the crisis at the border and to take back people apprehended by the US crossing illegally.
    • President Trump’s priority emphasis on programs to end human trafficking and modern slavery are producing great results, more than doubling arrests and convictions of human traffickers and hundreds of members of dangerous gangs.
  • The US is now energy independent! We are the largest producer of oil and natural gas in the world.
    • President Trump approved the infrastructure and provided the resources needed to unleash oil and gas production in the US
      • The Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines were approved, supporting an estimated total of 42,000 jobs and $2 billion in wages
      • The New Burgos Pipeline, a cross-border project that will export US gasoline to Mexico, was approved
    • Energy independence is important for our economy, for our national security, and for influence in our foreign relations.

Lest we forget, these four areas of accomplishment, among many others, will have long lasting benefits for America. They are all inspired by President Trump’s leadership and related to the promises he made and is keeping. These accomplishments are evidence of President Trump’s priorities, his capabilities, and of what we can expect of him in the future.

We need him for four more years and he needs our support and our votes. Every single vote counts!