Trump's Accomplishments

Support for President Trump

Not all of us have the same opinion of President Trump. I will try to separate facts from emotions as I describe why I am a strong supporter of our President and his re-election. I hope to convince some of you to join me in supporting him and in encouraging others to also join us in this Movement.

The most important thing any of us can do is to vote for him to be re-elected. Second in importance is to encourage others to vote for him.

Money is important because it pays the costs of organizing and running a campaign and of telling our story in the media. It helps, but time and again we have seen in America that money can’t buy elections. I contribute what I can and when I can, but, alone, it never seems to be enough. The deluge of pleadings from politicians of all stripes for money to save them from devastation has become annoying, boring and reminiscent of the tale of the boy who cried “wolf”. I wish I could support all the candidates I like (and other worthy causes as well), but it is just not possible. I normally make my contributions either directly to Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. or to The Republican National Committee. These two have joined together to form Trump Victory, a joint fundraising committee that includes the official Republican state parties in twenty-two states. I trust the RNC and the Republican state parties to allocate funds in the best interests of the Republican Party and President Trump.

Let’s not forget, however, that votes are more important than money. A good way to show your support for President Trump and your intention to vote for his re-election is to make a monthly recurring contribution to Trump Victory. The amount is not important. It is the repeated indication of continuing support from another American patriot who plans to vote for him on election day.

As I write my blog posts in an attempt to convince as many voters as possible to vote for President Trump, I will try to focus on the positive, factual reasons to support him. I will leave it to others to call attention to all the negative reasons to avoid his opponents. Some of you may decide to vote for President Trump as a vote against his opponent. Your vote will still be welcome, but I will try to make you feel proud and optimistic voting for President Trump.

Early in the morning after Election Day in 2016 I watched a beautiful sunrise coming up over the Atlantic Ocean. I felt I was experiencing the rebirth of the Nation I love. Donald J. Trump had just been elected our 45th President. I had great hopes and expectations for what our country could accomplish under his guidance and leadership. I recognized that he does not walk on water, nor is he a saint. He is a fighter who does not allow himself to be constrained by political correctness nor does he shy away from trying to do his best for what he believes is best for our country. He is a man of his word. He’s kept a great many of the promises he made to us, and he’s still at work on the rest. Check out some of the details in the Reliable Sources listed in the sidebar on this page. He’s got my back in this fight, and by God, I’ll have his. Together, with all of us, we will continue to Make America Great Again!