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I am a proud supporter of President Trump and his Administration. The accomplishments, under his leadership, during the first term of his Administration have been outstanding for the benefit of our country. In my opinion, these accomplishments are of far greater importance than aspects of his personality or behavior that can be annoying. He is a fighter! He fights to win and he fights for what he believes is in the best interests of the American people. His stamina and conviction are remarkable. He is not a quitter and he is not concerned with being politically correct. He is genuine, with his flaws and his attributes transparent. What we see is what we get, and I like it.

America needs four more years inspired by his patriotism, devoted to the values upon which this Nation was founded, and led by his energy, enthusiasm, and faith in the American people.

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Thank you!  Together we can assure the re-election of President Trump!

Keep America Great!