
Team Trump Grassroots Weekly Update

I am proud to be a member of Team Trump! I joined as a volunteer to help build support for the re-election of President Trump for four more years. Each week the members of Team Trump receive a Grassroots Weekly Update email from Bill Stepien, the
Campaign Manager for Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. The update yesterday, August 30th, contains a lot of information about the campaign and what we are doing to support our President. It is copied below for your information. Click on the various links for much more detail on specific topics or events. I found the link to “Confessions of a voter fraud” especially enlightening.

We always want more volunteers to join us and we always need more financial resources to cover all the expenses of the campaign. If you want to volunteer to help, go to where you will find many opportunities. If you can help with a financial contribution, go to the link Contribute to Trump Victory on the top right of this blog post where you will be able to make a secure, online contribution. Many thanks for helping as much and in whatever way you can. Together, we will all help President Trump and his Administration Make America Great Again and Keep America Great!

Here is the update email from Bill Stepien:

Dear Team Trump,

Last week was a huge success for our campaign and our President. We had a great convention that highlighted the diversity of the President’s support and his positive message to the American people. Then on Friday President Trump traveled to New Hampshire to deliver another stirring speech – laying out his plans to defeat the invisible enemy and bring Law and Order back to our cities. But the work is just beginning, this coming week states like North Carolina will be getting their absentee ballots, which means people will begin casting their vote for President THIS WEEK! Now more than ever, we need your help contacting voters and ensuring victory for our President in November.

Protect the Vote Update:
No matter what liberal Democrats say, President Trump is 100% right: unsolicited ballots are a recipe for chaos and fraud.

A die-hard Bernie Sanders supporter who has been rigging elections for years just decided to talk about it. In an article entitled “Confessions of a voter fraud,” this fraudster admits exactly how he’s changed tons of ballots and led teams of fraudsters to rig elections—and it shows us exactly how fraudsters all over the country could be trying to rig the election for Sleepy Joe.

But that’s not all. More than 500,000 mail ballots were tossed out in this year’s primaries. That means more than half a million Americans’ votes didn’t count. That number will multiply big time in November if we leave it to the Democrats.

But President Trump and his campaign are fighting back. We just won a lawsuit in Iowa. We stopped a rogue Democrat county auditor from breaking the law by sending out ballot applications with voters’ sensitive personal information already typed in.

We won, and no—we’re not tired of winning yet.

Political Update:
The RNC Convention concluded Thursday night with President Donald J. Trump’s official acceptance of the Republican nomination for President. That same night, the Trump Victory field team finished the largest National Week of Training since resuming in-person campaign activities on June 12, 2020. The team held over 7,100 grassroots events engaging nearly 60,000 volunteers. These events resulted in nearly 9,000 voter registrations, which is our most in a single week. We’ve now held more than 50,000 grassroots events since the campaign started.

Our volunteers knocked over 1 million voters’ doors this week and have knocked over 4 million doors this month. This greatly exceeds 2016, in which volunteers knocked just over 2.5 million doors in the month of August. Our campaign continues to be the only Presidential campaign talking to voters, in-person, at their door during the 2020 election.

Trump Victory also hosted national conference calls and video calls with major surrogates. Vice President Mike Pence hosted the Republican National Convention Kick-Off Call on Monday to thank volunteers. On Tuesday, Senator Marco Rubio hosted the National Grassroots Convention Video Call to celebrate the “Land of Opportunity” night of the convention. The “Land of Heroes” night was celebrated with another National Grassroots Convention Video Call featuring Special Guests Chairman McDaniel, Taya Kyle, and Benghazi survivor Mark Geist.

During our National Week of Training, two of our state teams crossed major voter contact milestones; Team Georgia knocked their 500,000th door, and Team Florida knocked their 1 millionth door. These voter contacts were made by our dedicated volunteers who are determined to share the campaign’s message far and wide! This weekend our team will knock on more than one million voters’ doors as we prepare for GOTV.

With ballots dropping as early as September 4th, turning out Republican voters starts earlier than ever before. We need you to help your friends, family, and neighbors cast their vote for President Donald J. Trump! Visit for information on early and absentee voting. Then go to to find out how you can get involved with the nearly two million other supporters.

Topline Week in Review

  •  Over 630 events in key states
  • The Women for Trump Bus visited Nevada. Follow the bus here.
  • The Team Trump on Tour Bus visited Colorado. Follow the bus here.
  • The RNC featured stories from Patriots representing Latinos for Trump, Black Voices for Trump, Women for Trump, Catholics for Trump, and many more. Watch the videos here.
  • Read Democrat legislator Vernon Jones Op-Ed on why he walked away from Democrats to support President Trump here.

Join a coalition and get involved today! Sign up here or email

Public Polling Update:
After an incredibly successful and optimistic Republican National Convention, President Trump continues to build momentum all across the country and Joe Biden is struggling to keep up.

  • President Trump is surging in the polls following the Republican National Convention while Biden has plummeted to his lowest level of support yet (White House Watch 8/26).
  • President Trump made huge gains with key voting blocks after Convention with his support among Black voters rising 9 points within just two weeks (Hill/HarrisX, 8/28). •
  • The majority of Suburban voters now throwing their support behind the President – a complete reversal from two weeks ago when a majority backed Biden (Yahoo News/YouGov, 8/29).
  • The enthusiasm level is rising in key states and President Trump has now taken the lead from Biden in Michigan (Trafalgar, 8/28).
    • Trafalgar was the only pollster in 2016 to currently predict a Trump win in Michigan.
  • Americans are recognizing the success of the Trump Administration and as a result, President Trump earned his highest approval rating ever in a Zogby poll (Zogby, 8/26).

Momentum is on our side, and with your help, we will Make America Great Again!

Thank you for all you do for our President!

Bill Stepien
Campaign Manager, Donald J. Trump for President, Inc.


Paid for by Donald J. Trump for President, Inc.

You are receiving this email at
Donald J. Trump President, Inc, C/O Trump Tower, 725 5th Avenue, New York, NY 10022

We believe this is an important way to reach our grassroots supporters with the most up-to-date information regarding the efforts of Donald J. Trump for President, Inc., and we’re glad you’re on our team. It’s because of grassroots supporters like you that we will Make America Great Again, and we appreciate your support. Thank you for all that you do!

By joe

Joe McChristian, Jr., a proud American patriot, West Point graduate, Vietnam veteran with three Bronze Star Medals, Air Medal, Airborne and Ranger qualified. Olmsted Scholar. Former banker, international corporate finance advisor, entrepreneur and corporate turn around specialist. Conservative Republican. Appreciate the accomplishments and agree with the policies and priorities of President Trump and his Administration.

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