
America, Land of Greatness: RNC Day Four Preview

– August 27, 2020 –
America, Land of Greatness:
RNC Day Four Preview

Tonight’s speakers will highlight President Trump’s belief in American greatness across every level of society, concluding with the acceptance speech from President Trump himself.

The fourth and final night of the Republican National Convention honors America’s long history of greatness, how President Trump is restoring that greatness, and how he will keep fighting for it in a second term.

Tonight’s speakers will highlight President Trump’s belief in American greatness across every level of society, concluding with the acceptance speech from President Trump himself.

Alice Johnson, whose life sentence was commuted by President Trump after more than two decades in prison, will share how President Trump’s criminal justice reforms have given Americans like her a second chance.  

  • “Six months after President Trump granted me a second chance, he signed the First Step Act into law. It was REAL justice reform. And it brought joy, hope, and freedom to thousands of well-deserving people. I hollered Hallelujah! My faith in justice and mercy was rewarded. Imagine getting to hug your loved ones again. It’s a feeling I will never forget. And to think, this first step meant so much to so many. I can’t wait because we’re just getting started.”
  • “When President Trump heard about me — about the injustice of my story — he saw me as a person. He had compassion. And he acted. Free in body thanks to President Trump. But free in MIND thanks to the almighty God.”

Ann Dorn, whose husband Officer David Dorn was killed in St. Louis by violent rioters earlier this year, will share her husband’s story and highlight why America needs to support the men and women in law enforcement. 

  • “I re-live that horror in my mind every single day.  My hope is that having you re-live it with me now will help shake this country from the nightmare we are witnessing in our cities and bring about positive, peaceful change.”
  • “We must heal before we can effect change, but we cannot heal amid devastation and chaos. President Trump knows we need more Davids in our communities, not fewer.

Stacia Brightmon, a Texas single mother and warehouse receiving clerk, will share how President Trump and Ivanka Trump’s commitment to building up America’s workforce helped empower her to learn new skills and support her family. 

  • “I felt empowered that I was learning new skills and able to support my family again. I worked hard, got promoted, and even got a few raises! Later I learned what President Donald Trump and Ivanka Trump were doing behind the scenes to make sure people like me had a chance to rise up and succeed.”
  • “Find a training program like the one I participated in. And like me, you’ll have an opportunity to build a career and a life you’re proud of. So with that being said, now I’d like to talk to you about a different kind of training.”

Debbie Flood, the owner of a small foundry and machine shop in Wisconsin, will share how President Trump’s America First agenda helped her rebuild her business after losing nearly half of it to China. 

  • “When we lost nearly 50% of our business to China in the mid-2000s, we wondered how a small company like ours could continue to compete. At the time, Joe Biden was a senator. He voted to normalize trade with China and helped pave the way for them to join the WTO, even though they were hurting American companies like ours.”
  • “We fought our way through the Great Recession. Then Donald Trump was elected, and we breathed a sigh of relief. He actually fought for American workers and American craftsmen. He actually cared about bringing back those three beautiful words, ‘Made in America.’ We no longer had to succeed despite government.”

Marsha and Carl Mueller, whose daughter Kayla was taken hostage and murdered by ISIS, will speak to President Trump’s commitment to justice with Operation Kayla Mueller, which took out her terrorist killer Al-Baghdadi.

  • “The Obama administration kept telling us they were doing everything they could. But their version of “everything” wasn’t enough. What a difference a president makes. Under President Trump, U.S. Army special operators conducted a raid on al-Baghdadi’s compound. After we learned that al-Baghdadi was killed, we learned something else: The operators named themselves ‘Task Force 814’ after August 14, Kayla’s birthday.”
  • “Carl and I support Donald Trump because of his commitment to make and keep America great, not with the power of the government, but with the passion of people like Kayla—Americans who, even in the darkest days, always have more fight left inside of them. Americans who don’t just talk—they act.”

Pat Lynch, President of the Police Benevolent Association, will share how the Democrats have walked away from the men and women of law enforcement and why police officers know President Trump will never let them down. 

  • “Unlike the Democrats, who froze in the face of rioting and looting, President Trump gives law enforcement the support and tools to put a stop to it – period, end of story.”
  • “Democratic politicians have surrendered our streets and institutions. The loudest voices have taken control, and our so-called “leaders” are scrambling to catch up to them.”

Americans will also hear from:

  • Senator Tom Cotton, who will expose Joe Biden’s failures to keep America safe and compare Biden’s record with President Trump.
  • House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, who will President Trump and the Republican Party’s commitment to freedom, prosperity, and personal liberty.
  • Congressman Jeff Van Drew, who will share why he left the Democrat Party this year to become a Republican and support President Trump.
  • Ja’Ron Smith, who will share what President Trump has done to invest in Black communities.
  • Ben Carson, who will highlight President Trump’s accomplishments for Black Americans.
  • Dan Scavino, who will share how he has seen President Trump’s leadership firsthand and what the media gets wrong about his character.
  • Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes, who will highlight President Trump’s fight against human trafficking and the opioid crisis.

By joe

Joe McChristian, Jr., a proud American patriot, West Point graduate, Vietnam veteran with three Bronze Star Medals, Air Medal, Airborne and Ranger qualified. Olmsted Scholar. Former banker, international corporate finance advisor, entrepreneur and corporate turn around specialist. Conservative Republican. Appreciate the accomplishments and agree with the policies and priorities of President Trump and his Administration.

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