
“One Major Reason Why Joe Biden Should Not Be President”

Rip McIntosh is a conservative, prolific writer whose emails I look forward to reading every day. Some are his original writings and some contain articles by other brilliant authors. Yesterday he published an email titled “One Major Reason Why Joe Biden Should Not Be President”. With Rip’s permission I have repeated it here in its entirety.


By: E.P. Unum
August 15, 2020

If you asked me to develop a list of reasons why I feel strongly that Joe Biden should not be President of the United States, it would not be hard to do.

Among many issues are these: He has accomplished little in his 47+ years in Washington. He vacillates on major issues. Despite his rhetoric and the media propping him up, he has done virtually nothing for Blacks. He is not really intelligent and is given to plagiarisms and outright lies. His behavior in the Ukraine and how he conducted himself in using American financial guarantees as leverage to get someone in the Ukrainian government fired to postpone an investigation into a company where his son Hunter Biden was on the board of directors and receiving significant cash payments is suspect. Ditto for his role in having his son accompany him to China where his son came away with $1.5 billion in “investment funds” which Hunter Biden would manage even though he has no expertise in this arena. He is often confused, a poor speaker, has no hands-on practical business experience and is not grounded in economics and deal making. And, his so-called policies, which include support for the “Green New Deal” with a cost of $93 Trillion, (money we don’t have), if implemented, would rapidly bring our nation dangerously close to a communist state.

But all of these issues pale in comparison to the one major reason why this man and his far left progressive VP candidate should not be permitted anywhere near the White House in my humble opinion.

When he was the Vice President, he did the most unthinkable thing for a man in his position. He revealed the names and the unit that killed Bin Laden.

On May 3 2011, at a national event in Washington, Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. did something unimaginable for a man occupying the office of Vice President – He publicly revealed the identity of the special-operations unit responsible for bin Laden’s killing, just to show that he “was in the know”.

His reckless action put at risk the lives of every member of Seal Team 6.  The Taliban and other jihadists, eager to avenge bin Laden, now knew with great certainty, which unit to target. Stunned and shocked, Seal Team Six members immediately realized they were going to be hunted by Al Qaeda sympathizers.

Soon after Biden’s reckless idiotic speech, an American CH-47 Chinook was shot down by an RPG (rocket propelled grenade) in the Tangi Valley, Maidan Wardak Province, Afghanistan, all 38 aboard were killed including many members of Seal Team Six. This incident became known as Extortion 17, and that itself is another story.

After Biden had let the identification out, and before the Chinook was shot down, members of Seal Team 6 had called their families and told them to wipe out all connection to them, including social media, and disassociate themselves as far away from them as possible because they too would be in grave danger as the Taliban would attempt to find them in retaliation…. And Biden, well he simply remained aloof and unfazed by any of it, and was just too insensitive and arrogant to realize what he had done.

I added a couple links here for those seeking proof. It’s easy enough to look up the information yourself. But you will need to do it yourself because the mainstream media will not talk about this and you will likely not hear any questions about it when, as and if the Presidential Debates take place. But someone should raise the issue and ask the question because his action and his response doesn’t get any more “Presidential” in my judgement.

Here are a few of many links to provide support for this.

Someone said…..  “Well that’s just Joe.!”  Really?  I don’t think so. This man revealed the names and signed the death warrants of America’s finest warriors and never looked back. What do you think he would do when he has to face down Vladimir Putin or the Mullahs in Iran or the Chinese Premiere?

The man cannot be trusted, and, as for his VP candidate Kamala Harris, I know Three-Card-Monty players on the streets of New York I trust more than her. Sorry, if you disagree, but Joe Biden is not worthy of consideration as our President and Commander-in-Chief!!!

Wake up. America can’t afford to have this man and his acolytes leading our great nation, because if he somehow gets elected it will sound the death knell for America and our way of life. We will no longer be free.

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By joe

Joe McChristian, Jr., a proud American patriot, West Point graduate, Vietnam veteran with three Bronze Star Medals, Air Medal, Airborne and Ranger qualified. Olmsted Scholar. Former banker, international corporate finance advisor, entrepreneur and corporate turn around specialist. Conservative Republican. Appreciate the accomplishments and agree with the policies and priorities of President Trump and his Administration.

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Joe McChristian, Jr.

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